Results: Round 10, 16 April 2024

Match Results
Double Trouble 6
1 Marauders
Family 5
2 Heathen Hammers
Scorpions 4
3 Nomads
Archers 5
2 Spearchuckers

Special Scores

Kerry Mulford 140, 128, 113, 100x3. Brian Morley 140, 121A, 108, 100A, 100x3. Dave Rayner 140, 120, 117, 100. Trevor Gordon 140, 100. Josh Thompson 140A. Stephen Smith 135x2, 133, 100. Tony Hammond 134. Robert Shoveller 125, 117, 100A, 100x3. Mitch Seymonsbergen 125, 100A, 100. Gordon MacPherson 122, 113, 100. Vic Love 121, 120, 100. Gary Journeaux 121, 100x3. Chris Field 120x2, 100. Ethan Woodfield 120. Shawn Thelwell 117. Archie Williams 112, 101. Sammi Thrupp 108. John Lenon 104, 100A, 100x2. Hugh Williams 101, 100. Bob Tucker 100A. Micheal Boston 100. Matt Clarke 100. Brett Stevens 100. Brendan Wanser 100.

Finishes Over 50

Kerry Mulford 61F. Archie Williams 62F, Trevor Gordon 92F, 114F.

Shame File

Tony Hammond 3A. Sammi Thrupp 6A. John Lenon 7A. Micheal Boston 8A. Kerry Mulford 9A.


CAPTAINS. Can you please talk to your players as we have had complaints of players taking their darts out of the board and telling the scorer what score they got. A player must leave their darts in the board so the scorer can add them up. If a player does it then that score will not count.

MT DRUITT CHALLENGE. Is on the 28th of April please be at West Tradies by 10am. Address is Woodstock Ave, Dharruk. Please don’t let our club down. If you say you are going, please attend. ROOTY HILL CHALLENGE. Will be at Hazelbrook Bowling Club on the 5th of May be at the club by 10am. If you haven’t let me know your playing, please let me know ASAP.