Results: Round 5, 12 March 2024

Match Results
Nomads 4
3 Marauders
Archers 4
3 SipStop
Spearchuckers 0
7 Double Trouble
Scorpions 3
4 Heathen Hammers

Special Scores

Brian Morley 140Ax2, 100x6. Gary Journeaux 140x2, 100x6. Kerry Mulford 140, 138, 100x2. Fred Byrnes 140, 125. Catherine Hunter 140, 100. Kevin Thrupp 135, 132, 123x2, 100. Shawn Thelwell 124. Robert Shoveller 123, 100. Micheal Boston 121A, 121, 100A, 100x2. Phil Rees 121, 100x2. Sammi Thrupp 121, 100. Cameron Jackson 120. Craig Pritchard 109. Hugh Williams 108. Ethan Woodfield 100x4. Matt Clarke 100x2. Dave Rayner 100A, 100x5. Chris Field 100. Andy Pigott 100. Neil Taylor 100.

Finishes Over 50

Hugh Williams 60F.

Shame File

Shawn Thelwell 3A. Craig Pritchard 6A.


1. Players are not permitted to call out to a player while they are at the oche line of what to go for. If a player has a problem with their pegs they need to step back and ask their Captain. Any player that calls out what their player needs to checkout while at the oche line will lose that game.

2. It has been bought to my attention that the captains are not filling in the sheets before the start of play. All games need to be written up before the start of play. Teams that don’t do this will have a loss of 1 point.

Thank you goes out to the Hammers of $150, Double Trouble $132, Scorpions $50 and the Archers $56 in Ticket Sales for The Dartboard Raffle.